It’s been awhile since libraries have been able to have physical sets of the voluminous World Book Encyclopedia. Price and room come into play, but there’s also the fact that encyclopedia-style information gathering truly works so well in the online arena.
During this quarantine, homeschool-ready resources are more in need than ever. In that vein, it is truly exciting that World Book has opened up access to their World Book Online platform—for free! They ask for some basic information and a log-in link is sent to your e-mail right away.

There are many options from the initial landing page, divided by audience (Kids, Student, Advanced) as well as World Book imprints (Activity Corner, Discover, and Dramatic Learning).

Each section is graphically rich and easy to navigate. The Kids section, for instance, includes crafts & activities, world of animals, science projects, and more. A page that I think is especially fun is under the Activities link: Crack the Code. These are perfect for kids that love a puzzle.

The Dramatic Learning section is also a unique way to make a learning project more interactive. There are many plays & monologues divided by age and each play includes links to more information on the topic—from the Wright Brothers to the Cherokee Trail of Tears. A script is included—act it out or just read through it!

World Book Online is perfect to allow kids of all ages to explore on their own or in conjunction with a specific lesson plan in mind.
Jeff, South Park