There is a common saying that music soothes the soul – well it seems more than ever that the collective human soul could use something deeply soothing. So, the Allegheny County Libraries are here to help!

Maybe you need more music, but you cannot imagine paying for a Spotify or Pandora account right now well you don’t need to stress. We have you covered with Hoopla!

The libraries also have a way to feed your need for knowledge about all the musicians you love and legends you want to learn about. Just head on over to AllMusic and read up on the biographies and discographies on the musicians you love. They even have genre charts to browse and distract you when your partner, child, or roommate just won’t leave you alone.
Things can be monotonous and bleak right now but if you put on a good jam Hoopla maybe we can help groove or grind your way through to the other side. Stay safe and don’t worry the libraries will continue doing all we can to provide as many services as possible!
Enya anyone?
Northland Public Library